Monday, February 24, 2014

Practice Observation

I chose to observe a dining hall for my practice observations. I usually get lunch at Tilly so I observed while I ate alone. The first clear thing that I observed was that there are different tables for people to sit on. Most tables were filled with groups of friends. I watched as they shared laughs and conversations. There were some tables, however, that had people sitting unaccompanied. These people still seemed to have their attention occupied. Quite a few people scrolled through their phones as they ate. Others were reading from their computers, novel, or paper. The last bit of people sitting alone were just happy eating while in thought. I watched as people went up and got food then went back to their table. A couple of people stood in line socializing. Many people kept to their friends but more than once I watched as someone ran into someone they knew, they would share a couple of words then go back on to the task of getting food. Overall Tilly is a very social place.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jon Stewart Commencement Address

Jon Stewart's Commencement Address is not one like most. The most shocking thing to me was that in this speech over and over again, Jon insults the school. He started off my insulting the choir by saying that the song reminds him of nothing. It seemed as if Jon knew that he was set up to fail in the sense that he made it a point to tell the parents he was "serious." He is basically sitting there thanking the school for giving him the degree when in fact he did nothing. Although he realizes that he did nothing he does a good job of making a point to show that he knows that the scholars in front of him went through a lot and paid a lot to be in the seat they are in. I do like the way he went about this but at the same time. I don't think that I would want to hear this address at my commencement ceremony. I did enjoy a couple of laughs, Stewart uses humor to get to his audience. One thing that caught my eyes was that he joked about six graduates trying to figure out how to make a bong out of their caps. All and all Stewart does show community by showing that he did belong to the school, although his speech was a little vulgar and immature at points you can feel the connection he feels with the school.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Draft Collage!

This was my first try using glogster, I'm happy with how it came out, I may make some changes before the Collage is officially due. I chose to centralize my collage around the three most important things to me which would be my family, my friends, and my love for traveling. I chose the color for the background because I wanted it to be simple and easy on the eyes. the green is natural and gives off a positive vibe to be. I chose to have a navy text because I thought that black was too plain and boring, and navy just happens to be my favorite color. The song that I chose is one that I just think is inspirational and in the song is where I found the title to my blog which is "This is my world."

Link To My Collage!